San Mateo Chariots of Fire Bible Talks

San Mateo Chariots of Fire Bible Talks

Chariots of Fire Thursdays @ 7:30pm 2001 Almadeda de las Pulgas #177 San Mateo, CA 94403 Gary & Cyndee Ochs (650) 307-0918 / (650) 438-7138 Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Campbell Relentless Fire Bible Talks

Campbell Relentless Fire Bible Talks

Relentless Fire Thursdays @ 7:30 PM Orchard Valley Coffee 349 East Campbell Ave Campbell, CA 95008 Aaron & Sheila Turner (562) 786-3100 / (314) 488-3888 Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
San Francisco Campus Bible Talks

San Francisco Campus Bible Talks

San Francisco State University Cesar Chaves Building, Room T-160 1600 Holloway Ave San Francisco, CA 94132   Gators Bible talk Mondays @ 1:30 PM Terrance Griffin / Janelle Mendoza (951) 662-4791  / (925) 301-6692 Royal Militia Tuesdays @ 1:30 PM Matthew...