First Principles – Word of God
Lesson Preached by Mike Underhill on September 25, 2013
Notes & Scriptures
2 Timothy 3:16-17
- All Scripture is inspired by God
- It is to be applied to our lives
Hebrews 4:12-13
- The Word is relevant
- The Word cuts (hurts)
- Learn that it is good to be “cut,” because a scalpel (God’s Word) “cuts” the cancer (sin) out!
2 Peter 1:20-21
- There is no private interpretation of the Bible
- The Holy Spirit inspired the men who wrote the books of the Bible
John 8:31-32
- Intellectual belief is not enough — nor can we go by our feelings
- Everyone must hold on to and follow the teachings of Jesus to be a true disciple
- Sincerity does not equal truth
- Religious people can be wrong
Matthew 15:1-9
- Do not go by traditions or creeds
- Worship by traditions — those which contradict the Word of God — is worship in vain
1 Timothy 4:16
- Watch your life and doctrine closely — they are inseparable
- Which is more important: life or doctrine? Neither — an airplane with only one wing cannot fly
- Why is it so important to learn and to teach and to live the right doctrine? To save yourself and those who hear you.
Acts 17:10-12
- A noble character in God’s eyes: great eagerness in receiving the message; examine Scriptures; daily; and believe — make decisions based on the Scriptures.
- Must check what religious leaders say
- Your challenge: Read and study the Bible every day!
James 1:22-25
- The Word of God is a mirror
- Do not forget what you see — “do what it says”
John 12:48
- Why study the Bible? The Word will judge us
Decision: Will I live by the Bible? Or will I live by my feelings, traditions, desires, etc.?